How to use Libby and other free resources at the public library. Bring your iPad, Kindle, Laptop and curiosity to learn about free resources at the public library. More about Libby!
Libby –

New York Public Library – If you’re 13 years old or older and live, work, attend school, or pay property taxes in New York State, you can apply for a free library card right now using our online card application—then visit your nearest NYPL location to verify your information and receive your physical NYPL card. A physical library card is your key to checking out physical books and materials, signing up for Culture Pass, and more.
New York State Museum – The Museum explores and expresses New York State’s significant natural and cultural diversity, past and present
New York State Historic Newspapers – The NYS Historic Newspapers project provides free online access to a wide range of newspapers chosen to reflect New York’s unique history.
Smithsonian Institution – Our museums, education, and research centers work at intersections that spark imagination and encourage discovery—between art and the environment, space exploration and women’s history, cultural traditions and an evolving American identity.
Library of Congress – he Library of Congress is the largest library in the world
OpenClipart – Public Domain artwork available to use.
Search Creative Commons – Find content you can share, use and remix.
CK-12 – CK-12 has free resources for students, parents, teachers, schools, and districts.
Khan Academy – With practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard, Khan Academy empowers learners to study at their own pace, both in and out of the classroom. Covering subjects from kindergarten through early college, including math, science, reading, computing, history, art history, economics, financial literacy, SAT, MCAT, and more, Khan Academy focuses on skill mastery to help learners build the strong foundations they need to succeed in higher education and in their careers. – Bookshare audiobooks and ebooks make reading easy. You can customize your reading experience with assistive reading features that remove reading barriers. Bookshare Reader
Open Culture – The best free cultural and educational media on the web
MIT – Open Courseware – Free online courseware from MIT
MERLOT – The MERLOT project began in 1997, when the California State University Center for Distributed Learning (CSU-CDL at developed and provided free access to MERLOT ( Under the leadership of Chuck Schneebeck, CSU-CDL’s Director, MERLOT was modeled after the NSF funded project, “Authoring Tools and An Educational Object Economy (EOE)”. Led by Dr. James Spohrer and hosted by Apple Computer, and other industry, university, and government collaborators, the EOE developed and distributed tools to form communities engaged in building shared knowledge bases of learning materials.
OER Commons – We offer tailored and context-specific services for individual institutions, consortia, and organizations looking to have a more intentional impact. As a nonprofit, we’re first and foremost committed to our mission of participatory, equitable, and open education for all. These at-cost services help us further our mission in a sustainable way.
Gutenberg -75,000 free ebooks that you can download and read
Librivox – Free public domain audiobooks
OpenStax – a nonprofit initiative based at Rice University and the largest publisher of open educational resources in the world, OpenStax is committed to make an amazing education accessible for all
New York Times (inside the library building & remote):
Ancestry Library Edition (only available inside the library building):
NOVELny (inside the library building & remote):
Kanopy (streaming films, library card required, 15 tickets per patron) –
Craftsy (library card required, access via the Libby app under Extras and at
The Great Courses (library card required, access via the Libby app under Extras and at
BookList Online – Booklist is a book-review magazine that has been published by the American Library Association for more than 100 years, and is widely viewed as offering the most reliable reviews to help libraries decide what to buy and to help library patrons and students decide what to read, view, or listen to. It comprises two print magazines, an extensive website and database, e-newsletters, webinars, and other resources that support librarians in collection development and readers’ advisory.
Comics Plus:
Comics Plus Children’s Library:
Comics Plus Teen’s Library: