Blount Library Board Minutes
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Members Present:
- Jessie Frank, director
- Kirstin Brown
- Beth Chase
- Kim Palmatier
- Linda Tanner
- Terri Werwinski
- Melissa Willey
- Lisa Swaciak
Nominees Present:
- Aimee Agett
- Paulette Green
Absent: None
The meeting was called to order at 6:14 pm by Melissa Willey
The secretary’s report was previously submitted via email to Beth Chase. Terri Werwinski motioned to accept it, and Lisa Swaciak seconded. The motion was carried.
The Treasurer’s report: This is not an official report currently, but Pam Smith has the numbers ready to go into the annual report and has also set up Google Drive access to do the treasurer’s work while she is not home. Kirstin Brown moved to accept the report, and Linda Tanner seconded. The motion was carried.
The Director’s report: Jessie Frank had the following to report:
- Tree Lighting went well. Melissa Willey and Beth Chase oversaw this event. We assisted with a small craft and directed kids to face painting done by Martha Thorne. Terri Werwinski made some amazing cookies, and Linda Tanner donated other cookies. We thank all for their help. We had a great turnout.
- Events by Jess – Centerpiece making – 4 in attendance. Will plan another event in the New Year.
- QR Code- Jessie Frank will contact Carissa Vincent from CBNA regarding this.
- Don Watkins posted last month’s minutes.
- Story, Craft, and Cookies with Santa. There were 42 people in attendance. Next year, the craft will involve cookie decorating—a big thank you to Terri Werwinski for providing Rice Krispie Treats.
- Jessie Frank ordered new shelves for existing bookcases, mostly in fiction. There’s a fair amount of “head space” on each shelf now, and adding one shelf will allow us to make the best use of those bookshelves.
- Jessie Frank treated the InTandem guys to pizza and leftover cookies for their last session of the year.
- The bathroom light in the basement needs attention, as it is going on and off. Jessie will contact Craig Malinowski. Also, the new toilet leaks and Zuech’s will be contacted.
- Green Thumb Gardening continues the first Tuesday of every month, with programming set for the next few months. Lisa Swaciak will work on a “Bulb” session.
- As of January 2025, Lisa Swaciak will take on the position of President of the Board. Thank you, Lisa, for stepping in and up.
- As of January 2025, Linda Tanner will no longer be on the board, having served (2) 3-year terms. Thank you, Linda, for your service.
We had two nominees in attendance, Paulette Green and Aimee Agett. The board president, Melissa Willey, officially invited them to join, and they both responded in the affirmative. All approved.
The board then invited Melissa Willey to remain for an additional year. She accepted. Thank you, Melissa, for your willingness to serve. All approved.
Terri Werwinski moved to accept the director’s report Kirstin Brown seconded. Motion carried.
Communications: N/A
Grant Committee: Regarding the DDSL grant for adult literacy – Don Watkins may extend this from a planned 10 months to one full year. Stay tuned.
Old Business: N/A
New Business for next meeting: N/A
Period for Public Expression: N/A
Melissa Willey moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:38 pm, and Beth Chase seconded it. The motion was passed.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 21, 2025 6:00 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Beth Chase