Blount Library Board Minutes
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Members Present:
Jessie Frank, director
Kirstin Brown
Beth Chase
Terri Werwinski
Lisa Swaciak
Absent: Kim Palmatier, Linda Tanner, Melissa Willey
The meeting was called to order at 5:10 pm by Kirstin Brown, Vice President
Due to the extended medical absence of Kim Palmatier, Treasurer, we had a special meeting to discuss having
Janice Snyder, bookkeeper, will be our stand-in treasurer for paying bills and keeping the checking account in
order. By unanimous vote, we voted to accept Jancie as temporary treasurer. She will begin immediately.
Kirstin Brown moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:20 pm, and Beth Chase seconded it.
The motion was passed.
Respectfully Submitted,
Beth Chase