Blount Library Board Minutes
Friday, February 2, 2024- Executive Session

Members Present:

  • Kirstin Brown
  • Beth Chase – via Zoom
  • Linda Tanner – via Zoom
  • Terri Werwinski
  • Melissa Willey

Absent:  Kim Palmatier

The meeting was called to order at _10:13 am by __Melissa Willey____

This meeting was an executive session to determine a wage increase for Jessie Frank, as well as to determine which of the trustees will be willing to continue serving on the board, as three terms are coming to an end.

The board voted unanimously to give a 3% raise to Jessie Frank’s annual salary for the 2024 year.  This is the same percentage increase as 2023.

Kirstin Brown, whose term is up this year, is willing to remain on the board for another term.

Kim Palmatier would like to be relieved of the treasurer’s duties as soon as someone can take over. Her term was up in 2023. She will continue doing bills through this year if needed.

Terri Werwinski has requested to no longer serve on the board at the end of her term this year.

We scheduled a meeting to discuss the long range/strategic plan for Friday, February 16, 2024 at 10:00 am.

Next Meeting:  ___ February 16, 2024 at 10:00 am ______

Respectfully Submitted,

Beth Chase

February 2 2024