Blount Library Board Minutes

_Monday, April 24, 2023____

Members Present:

  • Jessie Frank, director
  • Kirstin Brown
  • Beth Chase
  • Kim Palmatier
  • Linda Tanner
  • Terri Werwinski
  • Melissa Willey
  • Karen Zale

Absent: Pat Schwartz

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Melissa Willey

The Secretary’s report was previously submitted via email by __Beth Chase__. Karen Zale_ motioned to accept it and Linda Tanner_ seconded. The motion was carried.

The Treasurer’s report: was read by Kim Palmatier_.

We finally received a gas bill and that seems to be in order now. We also received the overpayment on the estimated Workman’s Com Insurance. Kirstin Brown moved to accept the report and Karen Zale seconded. The motion was carried.

The Director’s report: Jessie Frank had the following to report:

  • Photography and Filming Guidelines and Permission Form were passed around for us to look at and approve. This was initiated by some Youtubers who entered the library trying to ask questions that would basically elicit “good responses for Youtube” which in turn, would give those doing it higher ratings. They also hit the Village and Town Offices. However, because we are an Association Library, we can set up a policy requiring them to gain permission prior to entering and filming. Linda Tanner motioned to approve the Guidelines and Permission Form. Beth Chase seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved.
  • Jessie is going over many of our other guidelines to ensure that we are up to date for this new cyber world.
  • Lego Club – Monday nights. There are six libraries in the system that have clubs and are talking about each buying a kit (app $100 cost), building it in the class, and then passing it on to the other libraries, which will give each club six to build. A great idea!
  • Barb – fell last week at eh library, was unable to get up, and was found by Ruth Swanik, who called 911 who got her to the hospital. Jessie is keeping tabs on her recovery. Nothing was broken, just bruised.
  • The bank called regarding a COD (Certificate of Deposit) special- 13-month COD at 3.92% with APY 4.0% and 23 months at 3.77%. We have multiple CODs and would benefit from these rates. Terri Werwinski moved to transfer the monies into these new CODs and Kirstin Brown seconded. All were in favor, and the motion carried.
  • Book Sale -will start Friday night 5 – 7 pm
  • Summer Reading Program – Coop will do 5 weeks and Jessie will do 2
  • Toddler Time – Still going.
  • Summer Worker – we are on the list for getting one.
  • Art show-type event as a fundraiser – a thought in the process.
  • The cooking class – ended last week.

_Kim Palmatier_ moved to accept the director’s report __Karen Zale__seconded. Motion carried.

Communications: N/A

Grant Committee: The Construction Grant will not approve the painting and the insulation and windows on their own are not enough (minimum amount of grant) to do on their own. We currently have a quote for new insulation under the children’s room, and in the new part of the building where the furnace is, as well as two new windows in the basement under the children’s room. This quote is $5000. Linda Tanner motioned to approve of just doing it and having the library fund it, and Kirstin seconded it. All were approved and the motion was carried. Kim will move the money and Jessie will go ahead and get it scheduled.

Don and Jessie applied for a grant through Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation (CRCF). It is a $2500 grant and would be for a sewing program during the summer. Open to ages 12 and up, and approximately 10 pupils. They would sew reading pillows that would be passed out during the summer program.

Also considering a Lego Grant

Old Business: Trustee training still on the radar

New Business for next meeting: none

Period for Public Expression: none

Linda Tanner_ moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:58 pm _ and Beth Chase seconded it. The motion was passed.

Next Meeting: _Monday, May 15 7:00 pm __

Respectfully Submitted,

Beth Chase


April 2023